Emmanuel family,
ESM Student Ministry will meet this Thursday evening at 6:30 PM and hear a message on that "vile, toad of a man", King Ahab.
C2 College Ministry will meet this Thursday evening. Meal begins at 7:00 PM and Bible Study at 7:45.
C2 Lake Day - Tim will be taking a group to Lake Granbury on Saturday. Contact Tim for more information.
Reminder: Sheepdog Security Academy training will be at our location this Friday evening (6-10 pm) and Sunday afternoon (1-6 pm). So, please do not schedule any activities at the church during those times.
We resumed our normal schedule of events for Children and Youth Sunday School this past weekend.
We also have three new eQUIP classes for adults, and we are beginning our next round of Exploring Emmanuel.
You Can Delight in God - Jason Pierce (Gym #3)
In this course you will learn how to used the spiritual disciplines to grow in your enjoyment of God.
How to Study to Study the Bible - Robert Lane (Gym#2)
This course will give you instruction on how to study your Bible, including the use of online tools.
Reading Through the Bible - Emmit Perley (Gym #1)
This group meets to discuss their weekly reading as they follow a reading plan throughout the semester.
Exploring Emmanuel - Ken Nichols (Conference Room)
This course is for those desiring membership at Emmanuel. We will discuss the following:
Who we are - The mission and history of Emmanuel Church are explored to help you know who we are as a people.
What we believe - Our Foundational Doctrines and Statement of Faith show you what we believe.
How we function - How our polity, organization structure, and peacemaking contribute to sustaining a Gospel Culture.
How we love and serve - We work to provide a place of service for everyone so that the entire church is built up.
All the classes begin at 9 AM
Weekly Gathering at 10:15 AM
This Sunday we continue our series on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. This week we will look at Ephesians 2:1-10 and see God's divine power at work in moving us from death to life. Please make plans to attend.
I hope to see you all there!
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