At the Southern Baptist Convention held June 15-16, 2021 in Nashville, TN, the voting delegates overwhelmingly approved a motion that called for the creation of a task force to investigate allegations of abuse, mishandling of abuse, and mistreatment of survivors by members of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).
The investigation shall include actions and decisions of staff and members of the Executive Committee from January 1, 2000 to June 14, 2021. This investigation should include an audit of the procedures and actions taken by the Credentials Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, which was formed at the Convention meeting in Birmingham, AL, June 11-12, 2019.
The task force contracted with a highly specialized firm, Guidepost Solutions, to conduct the investigation and report its findings to the task force 30 days prior to the SBC Annual meeting in 2022.
The Complete report can be accessed here:
What does the report say?
In essence, a small group of executive leaders, whom the Convention trusted to make decisions in the best interest of the SBC, typically under the advice of legal counsel, knowingly withheld information on sexual abuse incidents among local churches, seminaries, and other entities. The jist of the findings is summarized by this statement:
Our investigation revealed that, for many years, a few senior EC leaders, along with outside counsel, largely controlled the EC’s response to these reports of abuse. They closely guarded information about abuse allegations and lawsuits, which were not shared with EC Trustees, and were singularly focused on avoiding liability for the SBC to the exclusion of other considerations. In service of this goal, survivors and others who reported abuse were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action due to its polity regarding church autonomy – even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry with no notice or warning to their current church or congregation.[1]
What is the SBC Executive Committee?
The Executive Committee is the administrative arm of the Convention, tasked with fiduciary responsibilities regarding the distribution of monies received from individuals and state conventions to the appropriate SBC entities, as well as governance of Convention owned assets on behalf of the churches of the Convention. They also handle the planning and logistics for the SBC Annual Meeting.
The EC President is elected by the Trustees of the Executive Committee and serves as the Convention Treasurer. It is a full-time position over a small staff that accomplishes the administrative tasks for which the EC is charged.
Personal Note
Martha and I were in attendance in Nashville, and whole-heartedly voted to approve the motion. And, while I am sickened by the findings of the investigation, I am thankful for the progress that has been made.
In a Convention of 47,000 churches, it oftentimes takes time to get to the right place. I think Southern Baptists are doing that. The Convention delegates who stood up for Christ, and for the survivors, and for the generations to come got it right by calling for the creation of the Sexual Abuse Task Force, and for the third-party investigation. We owe a debt of gratitude to the abuse survivors and advocates who labored tirelessly and sacrificially to get others to see what they saw. While there is plenty to mourn, lots of data to assess, lots of stories to hear, this is the path of healing.
What is Emmanuel doing to prevent sexual abuse?
The office staff is currently assessing our internal processes and controls with the aim to safeguard the most vulnerable among us. Here are the ways we are doing this as leaders and staff:
1. Scripturally, we believe and teach that human sexuality is a gift from God. But mankind has a proclivity to abuse all God’s gifts. We also believe that sexuality is to be confined to one-flesh marriage. We will teach, preach, and uphold the many Biblical prescriptions for believers to avoid any, and all immorality, including abuse.
2. We understand that ministries are not immune to abuse. In fact, sexual predators see them as targets.
3. We are examining how our church protects children by reviewing and strengthening our Child Protection Policy. We are researching best practices and expert suggestions to provide the safest environment possible within Emmanuel Nursery, Children, and Student ministries.
4. We are auditing our records to ensure all student and children’s ministry volunteers have appropriate background checks on file.
5. We are working to develop training to better educate our Elders, Staff, and Volunteers on recognizing and assisting those vulnerable to abuse, recognizing abusive situations and abuse dynamics, and reporting suspected abuse.
What is Emmanuel’s process in the event of suspected sexual abuse?
1. The role of the local church is to prevent abuse, to protect victims of abuse, and to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
2. It is the role of the judicial system to determine guilt or innocence.
3. Every allegation of abuse or neglect will be taken seriously by Emmanuel Church.
4. If anyone in our church (member, guest, volunteer, elder, deacon, or staff) should be credibly accused of abusing someone, man woman or child, the church will take the following steps: 1) notify law enforcement immediately, 2) appropriate leadership in the church will be informed, 3) and steps will be taken to distance the accused from opportunities for abuse.
Why is all this important?
While we have had no reported incidents at Emmanuel, the nationwide statistics[2] are as staggering as they are heart-breaking.
Sexual abuse is an epidemic in our culture, and we must remain vigilant to prevent and to protect. Truthfully, it takes more than just a trained staff, or a few concerned volunteers, it requires a concerned and trained membership.
How you can pray:
1. to do everything possible to protect the vulnerable by preventing abuse, and
2. to shepherd men, women, and children who have been abused by becoming a church that cares well for abuse survivors.
Please contact the elders if you have any questions.
For further reading:
Article I Executive Summary, p. 3.
[2] Sources Centers for Disease Control, and US Department of Justice
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